Ethan came home from school and was all excited to tell me that he got a certificate. We were in a hurry and I didn't think much of it and of to lunch we went to meet some friends. When we got home, he showed it to me. My boy was Student of the Month. This means that his teacher thinks he is the best student ever.....ok, I might have made that up but a mom can dream. This does mean that his teacher thought he completed all of his assignments to the best of his ability, helped another student in need and put forth a constant effort to improve academically. I asked him if he knew what the certificate meant and he didn't really get it so I explained to him that his teacher thought he was doing his very best at school and was a nice friend to his classmates. I think he got it. Greg and I are trying to come up with a reward for him for being such a great student.
Ethan can be very shy so I was very nervous when he first started school. I thought for sure he would be "that kid" crying and me having to push him on the bus. That first day he got on the bus like he had done it a million times before. His confidence & maturity have far exceeded our expectations and we are only 2 months into school. His teacher has always had glowing things to say about him but I was really reminded with how great of a boy we have when he brought this home today. We are just so proud of him.
And I can't brag on E without mentioning Ryan. He is doing great. He absolutely loves going to school and is always running out the door when I tell him his bus is coming. He is only 2 and recognizes most of his letters & numbers and can now count to 20 in English and today he surprised me by counting to 10 in Spanish. I had no idea he knew that. I think I have Dora & Diego to thank for that one.
So that is enough bragging. We are just so incredibly proud of both of our boys.